We're Keeping an Eye on Them

Well, Margaret has pink eye. She was home Monday with her cold, went to school Tuesday, came home with watery, gooey eyes and I said, "You've got pink eye." I called the doctor's office and they phoned in a prescription. Put the drops in last night and they went crimson. She woke up this morning with more goo; she has to stay home 24 hours on the antibiotic drops before returning to school, so she'll go back tomorrow. I just have to keep her away from the baby and insist on her hand washing and using Purell hand sanitizer all the time. She's actually very conscientious and good about it, but this is contagious. I'm hoping we all don't come down with it. Jack said his eyes were funny this morning and he said Patricia said her eyes felt funny. That's all we need.
Brigid woke up this morning about 6 a.m. after crying out about 4:30. I brought her into bed and she fell asleep nursing, and her breathing was congested. She slept on and off until just after 8 so I got up with her and Daddy was able to get a little more sleep. He has a late night tonight and is exhaused. I hope to do the same thing tomorrow morning. Once up, Brigid was in a good mood and ate a good breakfast of cream of wheat, some toast and a few pieces of peach. Last night, the girls and I went to the Homestead and Brigid stuffed her face with both fists! She had a scrambled egg and cottage cheese and just stuffed and stuffed. She was starved! It wasn't until she neared the end of her egg that she slowed down. Some of the pieces went overboard and I knew she was at her limit, but then she'd open her mouth for more cottage cheese. A little bit of Margaret's lemon meringue pie and some whipped cream also coaxed her to open her mouth.
Brigid is close, SO SO CLOSE to taking those real steps. She's taken one, two here and there, going from one piece of sturdy furniture or a leg to another. She's close. She grabs the gate and looks through it as if to say, "Get me out. Get me out, I tell ya." She can walk very well holding on to only one of your hands, so it's only a matter of time. But she also crawls very, very well and very, very quickly.
Her kisses are so cute. She's now giving kisses all the time, with her little face-to-yours then smacking sounds after pulling away thing. It's adorable. So far, she's also vocalizing her acknowledgment of Daddy with her Dadah's at appropriate times. She has said a few mum mums but I don't think they're directed at me yet.
Her DAH Dohs have increased, however. She says it all the time with this very cute sing-song sound ... DAH doh, DAH doh, DAH doh. She also says UH oh all the time, too. She'll drop something and say UH oh. She'll repeat it back to you if you say it, too.
Another thing she's started doing is blowing breaths out, like she's blowing out candles. When she's outside and the wind blows in her face, she'll do it. She'll also do it if you blow on her hair or she sees or hears you blowing. It's very faint, and she concentrates on it, but she does blow. It's so cute. We like having a trained monkey who will perform tricks on cue.