Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What About a Pig With Wings for Halloween? Get it? Swine Flu?

The girls all got their swine flu vaccine last week, and thanks to the innovative “shot blocker,” none of them even winced when they got jabbed. A “shot blocker” is a disk of sorts with picky spines on it that is placed on the area to be injected. The picky spines fool the nerve endings so you don’t even feel where the needle goes in. Our pediatrician’s office had one about a year ago – totally non-invasive. The FDA pulled them because the manufacturers were calling them pain relief or something stupid. As a result, the office had to stop using a thoroughly pain-free way of giving kids shots.

The next thing they did was figure out how to make their own – using a soap holder! But when it came time for Patricia’s shots during her well-child visit in August, someone had walked off with the soap-dish shot blocker! Well, when the girls had to go in for their flu shots, I brought my 88-cent Wal-Mart soap holder with me and they made one by cutting it in half, cutting the half into a horseshoe-shaped device and then cutting the points down to make them pickier. It worked like a charm. No tears, no fears. Brigid just watched as she got her shot. The site of the shot was sore later, but I don’t know if she’ll equate that with the pain of the injection itself. So all is well, as long as the vaccine protects them from this flu! Then we’ll have a lot more to worry about than the ouch of an injection.

Meanwhile, Jack and I both managed to get our flu shots at clinics held at the drug store. Lucky for us, we got them in good time. Now, there’s not a flu shot to be had in most of the county. We’ve all been nursing colds, however, with Brigid having a real hard time breathing at times. Of course, most of the kids in her preschool room have snotty noses and syrupy coughs. It’s a wonder they’re all not out sick. We just keep counting our graces and hope to make it through the season unscathed, or at least only partially scathed.

The two older girls and I spent Saturday all day at a scrapbook retreat in their old elementary school. A women’s ministry from the Assembly of God Church started holding these crops twice a year a couple years ago and we’ve been to every one. They grew out of their church basement and have held them at the old St. Peter’s school the last two times. It was a lot of fun for the day. Jack took Brigid to the lake for the day. It rained, but they had fun walking in the woods, visiting the horses and playing with Grandma and Granddad. The next day, our neighbor and tenant, Jenny, had a Halloween party that Brigid was invited to and Margaret and Patricia helped at. It was a good precursor to next weekend when the girls dress up for real and go trick or treating. Brigid has been practicing what to say at the door when we take her out. She said she’s supposed to say, “Trick or treat. May I have some candy?” I’ll have to keep an eye on her. She’s not far from the age Margaret was when, coming to her first house, walked into the living room when the guy opened the door to hand out the candy. Weather’s supposed to be fabulous – I’ll hold my breath. Nothing like a lifetime of having to wear you winter coat over your Halloween costume (Oct. 31 in Buffalo – ah, the memories…)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Fall Tradition Earns High Honors

Margaret had her first Homecoming weekend experience this past weekend and had, by her own admission, a blast. She was noncommittal leading up to the last minute on Friday when I was supposed to drop her off at the school for a barbecue, bonfire and scavenger hunt. Natalie showed up so I was able to actually get her to leave the car. Even the scavenger hunt was a last-minute thing, but they pulled a team together and gathered all the requisite items. Shout-out to Michelle who hosted the kids at her house then schlepped them all over to collect and turn in their found treasures.

The next day, I had to judge quilts in the morning and barely made it home in time to get Margaret to school for her to march in the band for the parade. True to form, I was late getting to the parade, too, so we didn't get to see more than two or three bars of music before they returned to the school parking lot and called it a day. She reports that she had a great time marching in the band -- it was cold, too. And, again, last minute she decided to stay for the football game with Natalie. She hooked up with Josh, too, and they all agreed they'd be going to the Homecoming dance.

Margaret didn't have a dress to wear, so we ran out at dinner time and actually found a good one on the clearance rack at Penney's of all places. It was long -- to the floor -- so I did a quick hem job on it and made it a knee-length dress that looked stunning on her. At 8 p.m. I dropped her off at the school with her friend, Colleen, and at 11 p.m. I picked her up at 11 and she was beaming. She had a great time. When we were leaving for the dance, Patricia wistfully said, "I can't wait until I have a new dress and a dance to go to." I told her she'll have her 8th grade dance soon enough.

In other news, Patricia was elected to the Student Council this year. She was very proud of the fact that all her classmates assured her they were going to cast their vote her way. Her platform included trying to get lunches for the 8th graders, who always wind up on the short end by the time they reach the cafeteria!

Margaret was selected for Select Chorus, an audition-only ensemble. She's in the regular chorus, but she also wanted to belong to the Select Chorus as well. Now she's set her sights on drama club and the spring production of "West Side Story." Between that, Select Chorus and Key Club, her after school activities will keep her very busy. It's been very convenient, too, having Brigid in Sibley right next door to the high school because Margaret just walks over. Most days she puts in a half-hour volunteer time for her Key Club requirements.

Brigid hasn't volunteered for anything, and her after school activities consist of eating freeze pops (the kid is addicted) and watching a movie until dinner. But she does absolutely love her tap class, photos of which are to come as soon as I get them developed. She can't wait for Wednesdays each week. And she's got skipping down pat.

Patricia spent part of Columbus Day weekend up at the lake, getting in some late-season riding before the horses are shipped off to boarding for the winter. Jack will take the girls up on Saturday this week because it's Homecoming at the college and I have to work. On Friday, Brigid heads to the pumpkin patch, so that will be fun. Hope it's a nice day. Nothing worse than freezing in a cold, damp pumpkin patch with a bunch of preschoolers.