Friday, January 05, 2007

Moms are People, Too

Brigid woke last night about 1:30, something she really hasn't done, but with a little visit from me (I didn't pick her up) she cried for a while but then fell back to sleep until 7 a.m. I brought her in with me for a snuggle and nuzzle and she slept until after 8. She's doing remarkably well considering she went from never sleeping in her crib to being there all night from 8:30 or so until 8 or so. We're very pleased and getting more sleep ourselves.

Last night Brigid proved what a Downs girl she truly is. After not eating much of a dinner, she wolfed down nearly three slices of toast, with great gusto and enthusiasm. She followed it off with some Mommy Moo Juice in her sippy cup. She couldn't shovel the pieces of toast in fast enough. She's a Downs through and through. They can't eat a meal without toast of some kind.

I left her with Daddy this morning. He was feeding her scrambled eggs in the high chair and when I said, "See you later," she gave me her royal wave and smiled this huge smile. Made me mushy inside.

Margaret had a hard time last night over homework and tech class. Seems she forgot to pick up some graph paper for her drawings and, being the mom I am, I ran out and picked her up some at the drugstore. Well, this paper was five squares per inch; her paper at school is four squares per inch. I told her she had to make do; she had to measure with a ruler instead of counting squares. Took her a while, and she cried a bit, worried of course of disappointing her teacher. I told her she was actually doing MORE work this way because she was actually using a measuring device ... the ruler ... as opposed to just visualizing the thing on a ready-made graph paper. We'll see what Mr. Tisdale thought of her efforts. Looked good to me, but then, I'm just Mom.


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