Friday, December 01, 2006

Monkeying Around

Looks like Baby B is breaking through with yet another new chomper, this one right of center on the top, which, when it erupts, will leave her with six all together, the better to bite me with. She's taken to biting me on the shoulder, just getting a smidgeon of skin between her few teeth. It smarts, and my reaction to her, a stern, "No bites," just elicits giggles from her.

Her balance is ever-improving, and she stood unassisted for several seconds at a time last night in the living room before plopping down on her bottom. She takes it in stride, however, and doesn't seem to think it's the least bit special. My fear is that she'll be taking it in stride, in several strides actually, all too soon.

We were at Borders Books yesterday after school. Brigid likes Borders. I often let her crawl around the children's section because it's never very busy and she can crawl unencumbered for quite a ways before I have to re-route her back again. But yesterday, I was pushing her around the stroller and she was doing her high-pitched whale siren sounds and several bypassers stopped and remarked on her, how cute she is, how cute she sounded. One woman said she though she heard a monkey, and I told her she did. I even showed her Brigid's monkey toes. We think she's making these sounds to help re-unite her with her lost tribe. She does like to pull at hair; perhaps it's grooming?


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