But Can She Open the Peels With Her Ape Toes?

I left for work this morning with Brigid strapped into the high chair and Daddy feeding her veggie puffs and bits of REAL banana. She's getting to big too fast. I gave her a bite of banana the other day and she loved it. So we've passed another milestone -- real food from real food. She wolfed down her pears and squash last night at dinner, so I'm beginning to think she needs something else beside that and boob. Those five teeth need some exercise, besides the exercise she gives them grinding them back and forth. It's a sad, sad day when you come to realize the boob isn't all there is in the life of your child. That's not to say she's ready to relinquish it, however. She latches on greedily every chance she gets, especially between the hours of 11 p.m. and 8 a.m. She flip-flopped all over the place last night, nursing on and off practically every two hours. But she woke up with a smile on her face this morning, that's for sure. (Probably anticipating that banana).
Brigid is getting more steady on her feet. She'll pull herself up and let go to stand on her own, ever so brieflly, then either grab onto the crib rail, the playpen side or whoever is nearby again to steady herself, or she'll plop herself down on her well-padded bottom, only to pull up again, and again, and again. Last night, she was crying, standing in the crib. I stood at the other end and held my hands out to her and kept say, "Come on, come on honey," and she cruised herself on down to me, half crying, half laughing. In one breath I'm com plaining it's too soon, in the other I'm encouraging her to walk to me.
Brigid has also started doing this very high-pitched whale sound when she "talks." She delights in her squeals and eeeeeeeee's (very high-pitched), especially if you do them back to her. But she continues to grunt and growl in consort with her simian brethren. That would explain the bananas. Hmmm.
Margaret and Patricia are off today through Sunday for Thanksgiving. We'll be spending the holiday it with Grandma and Granddad Downs (yummy. Granddad's cooking). But otherwise, we'll just be hanging out. Jack's schedule wouldn't easily permit us to travel to Buffalo to see Grandma Wright :( (We're missing you, Grandma!) But I hope we can figure out a way to visit soon. You have three granddaughters who are dying for some Grandma hugs.
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to take stock in all you have. So for the moment, I'd like to take stock and say thank you to all my family and friends for their love and support. We are truly blessed. And may you all have a blessed, wonderful and wonder-filled Thanksgiving.
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