Saturday, November 11, 2006

Could She Be Part Bear?

Brigid has this habit of growling when she's excited. She growls and jumps up and down, and it sounds an awful lot like a bear, which is pretty funny since we actually think she's part monkey if her monkey toes are any indication. When she sees Daddy walk in the door, she jumps and growls in a happy way (ever see a happy bear?). When she sees the cats or a dog, she does this happy growl sound. I mentioned it to Paula at work, and Paula said she knows what I'm talking about; she's seen it in action. When you're holding her, Brigid bounces up and down, growling at whatever she sees that makes her happy. If it's just a curiosity, she'll still growl but you may not get the bounce. It's a true indicator of her mood.

We have a stray black kitten, I'll call it "Blackie," that has camped outside our back door. We've been feeding it for the last couple of days in the hopes of finding it a home and keeping it from being tire fodder. When Brigid sees Blackie, she does her bouncing growl greeting. We'd take it in if we could a) get rid of one of the other cats in the household (Grey, we're talking about you) and b) keep the thing from ripping flesh off our bones. It is a kitten, afterall, and is prone to kittenish behavior. So, in the meantime, we hope to find the little thing a home. Anybody want a cute, friendly black kitten? If you do, just growl and bounce. We'll send it your way.


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