Friday, October 27, 2006

Waiting on News from the Fish Under The Sea Dance

Today is Margaret's first school dance, held afterschool until 4:30 p.m. I don't suppose much can happen in the hour and half after school at a dance that's held in school, but she said her big crush may be there, and I would hate for her to be disappointed. I'd also hate for her to be elated (she is, after all, only in 6th grade). She's not sure what to expect, so we'll have to wait for a report.

I don't remember dances being held when I was in 6th grade, but my elementary school went up to 6th grade. We did have dances in junior high, but I only went to one of them as I recall, and it was abysmal. I hope her experience is better.

Patricia had a special day at school today, too. The elementary schools let out early today for some reason and instead of coming home at 11:30 a.m., they had the option to stay for a pizza-and-a-movie afternoon, getting out at the same time as they normally would, at 2:30. She was excited to do this. And one of the nice things about her going to Oak Street School is that it is only four doors down on the same side of the street so she can walk without problems. Heck, if she could climb the fence, she could climb over into our back yard. But we and the school frown on that.

This weekend is Frances' annual Halloween party to which we are all invited. Jack has his costume all set -- he's going as a kayaker. Patricia wants to be Cleopatra, and I've started her costume. It will be easy, but she also has a party tomorrow afternoon, before Frances' party, so I have to hurry to get hers done. Margaret wants to be the queen from Snow White and come with a basket full of apples. I don't know what I'm going to do with that one. Our little pumpkin, Brigid, is going to be a pumpkin. Her costume is pretty much done. But I don't know what I'm going to be. I'm always last-minute Mom. Patricia was worried the other day and I said, "Have I ever let you down?" She said, "No, but you're always doing things at the last minute." She has my number. We will succeed, though. It's my M.O.

Brigid, the little cutie pie, defied all the odds yesterday and took a two-hour nap. I think she only woke up because she heard Margaret and Patricia in the living room. She slept pretty well last night, too, having gone down at least for a few minutes in her crib. That didn't last long, but any time she spends sleeping in there is a success as far as I'm concerned. Jack said she slept well today so far, too. I honestly think she doesn't feel well, which would account for the naps. I think I spotted a corner of a tooth on her top gum last night when she was snoozing in my arms. I tried to pry her lips apart, and she kept stirring. But in the moment I was able to look, I think I saw the white corner of a tooth. It would explain a lot.

She's also doing a lot more moving around on her feet, up down up down or around and around the play pen, the crib, wherever. She wants to be on the go.

And sweet potatoes, btw, have been accepted. I wouldn't say they're a hit; I wouldn't say cereal is a hit. She's eating the stuff like she's been eating it her whole life. Just like everything else in her world. She takes it in stride and as though she has always done so. She looks at you like, "So, what's the big deal? It's solid food. And your point is?" Shs been interested interested in solids for so long, I think she just thinks it's part of the regular routine. The real test is: When do we start the Cheerioes?


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