Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Applause Sign is On and Brigid is Replying

Brigid has passed another milestone this weekend with the connection of hand upon hand, she has learned how to clap. It's not a loud, thunderous smacking. They just touch eachother in succession, but it counts. She was sitting in the alumni office at work on Natalie's lap during a staff baby shower for Sarah on Friday and Brigid brought her hands together a couple of times. I looked quickly at her but she stopped. She didn't repeat it again until Saturday when she and I were in Burlington, but she certainly clapped. I cheered, she smiled and did it again, and again. She repeated it several times today as well. So, she's begun clapping. We're so proud. ;)

Brigid has been having some wakeful nights the last few nights. She has actually started the night in her crib asleep, but that doesn't last very long. She wakes, is very put out that we've even considered leaving her in the crib, and then she falls asleep between us just long enough for me to drop into a deep sleep. Then she wakes, wants to snack and starts pulling on me, pulling my arm, my sleeve, whatever she can grab. She'll try pulling herself up onto me as well if I don't respond quickly enough. I'll feed her for a few minutes, she'll then pull herself away and flop back down on her back, arms splayed out, fast asleep. Of course, I'm sure she's not even really awake, just used to the snack time. It's one more thing we'll be able to address when she finally moves into her own room, but when that will be who knows.


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