Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A Nap Would Do Us All a World of Good

Well, Daddy just reported that Baby B, in the backpack, has learned how to pull hair. Maybe she thinks it's like a mane and you hold on to it for stability. Our Baby Brigid is no dummy. It's fun to see what she's learned and how fast she developes. She certainly knows her name and turns to you when you use her name. She is also finding her center of gravity and is letting go of the sides of the crib to stand. She knows she's doing something important, too, because she'll look at you with this look, a mixture of amazement and smugness as if to say, "See me? I'm cute AND I'm smart." Her crusing is gaining momentum, at least around the rails of the crib. She seems to enjoy being in there for play; it's the sleep we're having trouble with. She'll not seem to mind going in the crib for a nap in the afternoon or morning. But at night, she won't spend more than a few minutes asleep in its confines, almost as though she is aware it may mean she's in there for the duration. Last night, she was going to have none of it. She was happy to climb on both her parents and generally keep them awake until she flopped down, rooting and butting her head against me until she settled in happily and fell asleep. She slept in this morning and was happy enough to take a ride with Daddy to visit Mommy at work and go to the bank. I'll be home soon so we'll see if the mood continued.

Margaret and Patricia continue to be somewhat under the weather. Margaret wasn't feel well at all this morning but she bucked up and went to school. I hope it isn't something that will require a doctor's visit, because if it is, we're going to have to consider the possibility of a flu shot at the same time, and that won't be well received at all. Patricia's is a cough, but she's prone to post-nasal drip. If we can keep her dry on benadryl or dimetap, we'll do OOk. But we may all be headed down that slippery slope: Daddy said he wasn't feeling well this morning. I think what we all need is a good, uninterrupted 10-12 hours of sleep.


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