Monday, October 23, 2006

Sometimes It Pays to Stay In Bed if You Can

Well, we've got Margaret using her 110 Flovent inhaler again because her peak flows are falling and she's coughing so much. I hope this prevents a trip to the doctor and a flare-up of her asthma since she was doing so well, but it pretty much follows a typical pattern: a month into school, she starts coughing again. No wonder since schools rarely vacuum out the vents and so forth and there is umpteen years of crap built up in them that the kids are breathing in. Plus, it's cold season, so anyone with a compromised system to begin with is susceptible. I've been fighting something myself ... kind of a sinus infection-feeling cold with sore throat. And Baby B was tugging a lot at her ear yesterday. I'm hoping she doesn't have another ear infection.

Yesterday was a dark, sleepy day and Brigid snuggled up with me for a long afternoon nap, which I think we both needed. I could have stayed in bed with her all night but I had to get up and get Margaret to her religion class for 5 p.m. Patricia, Daddy, Baby Brigid and I had leftovers for dinner and Margaret dined on pizza with her religion class and thanks to Michelle, I didn't have to drag the baby out into the cold rainy night to pick her up again. The World Series is in full swing, and Brigid and I watched it last night while we waited for Daddy to come home from work. For the record, the series is tied one-one between the Cardinals and Tigers. Brigid seems to be interested in the TV at times when there is some action going on. We have been avoiding letting her watch TV for real because she shouldn't be getting into the habit so soon. In fact, recent research suggests babies as young as two years old may be too young for TV, so we're trying not to let her get mesmerized by the tube too young. But the World Series is on.


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