Monkeys Like Their Bananas (and Other Peoples', Too)

Well, we're on Day 8 of Brigid Sleeps in Her Crib All Night. Getting her to bed hasn't been the nightmare we were dreading all along, and she's sleeping all night through, waking at a respectable time in the morning. It has thrown her day-time nap routine off, however, and I'm hoping it doesn't mean she's giving up naps because she's a cranky kid without those afternoon siestas.
The lack of day-time sleep hasn't thrown her off her attempts at standing on her own, and for the last few days Brigid has been adding more and more time to her record of unassisted bi-ped work. She manages to stand sometimes without even pulling up on something; she'll just get into a squat and up she goes. I fear her first steps because it'll mean all hands on deck keeping her contained.
I may have reported her wave before, but she's gone from waving bye-bye with her entire arm to waving bye-bye and hello with her hand and wrist. It's kind of Queen Elizabethesque in its movement. She delights in doing it, especially when you wave first at her. Then she'll clap, so you clap and say, "Yay, Brigid. Yay!" So she'll wave again, and clap again. And so on until this game is no longer the great kick it once was and she's on to something else. She's not a trained monkey, afterall, although her monkey toes continue to belie the point. I've taken some photos of those toes and will try to post them to show one and all what we've been talking about.
The other thing that seems to be happening is an awful lot of fist-in-mouth action, which leads me to believe she may be working on another tooth. I think I can see the evidence on her bottom gums, but sometimes it takes a long time and a lot of drool before one of those pearly whites poke through. The ones that are through get a good workout. Eating has gone from the occasional real-people food to real food at most every meal. With the exception of the fruit, I may have purchased my last tub of baby food because she does so well with much of what we eat -- pasta, bread, veggies she can pick up like well-cooked carrots, beans and peas. She does like fresh bananas and peaches and ate them happily, off my plate and the fruit salad bowl, at Grandma Downs' house on New Year's. We have yet to introduce meats, but they can wait. She's still enjoying daily boob so protein is included in liquid form. She just has to keep those pearly whites away from me as well.
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