Friday, December 22, 2006

Good Boxes Come in Large Packages

Baby Brigid is about to celebrate her first Christmas. Of course, she has no idea what's going on, and I'm sure she'll be more about the paper or boxes than she will about the gifts. But I'm excited nonetheless because her presence means Christmas will continue to live in our hearts and our home for a long time to come. Of course, Margaret is a true believe in all things magical so we also have Margaret to keep things alive.

Brigid and I spent lunch with her Godmother, Michelle (thank you for the gift, Auntie Shell). Brigid is sitting very well in restaurant high chairs and eating more and more adult food. When she's not cribbing on the edge of the table like Sunny from the Series of Unfortunate Events books, she does very well. She was putting green beans away the other night like a pro, two-fisting them faster than I could add them to her high-chair tray. She's so interested in eating, she will look at you with her mouth open like a baby bird, waiting for you to drop something in -- even if it's not something for her. Of course, the boob satisfies when all else fails.

Patricia had a triumphant evening on stage last night. Making her stage debut as Scrooge in a musical adaptation of "Christmas Carol," Patricia carried the show with aplomb. Her voice was strong, her lines were right on. I was so proud I cried. I told her the tears were not because she was painful to hear.

I'm not sure if I posted previously about Margaret and her friend, Logan, who, like Margaret, is crazy about dragons. The two met one of the first days of school and have been friends since. We took Logan and his mom to the movies with us last weekend to see the movie version of the book, "Eragon." I didn't go in; I had Baby B with me so she and I strolled around the mall. The movie looked good but was very loud and had a lot of explosions in it, so I'm sure Baby B's ears would have been hurting. As it was, we braved the explosive nature of the Christmas-shopping crowd, so I don't know if we had the easier time of it. She did get to stroll around the bookshelves of Borders, something I learned from a fellow blogger who brings his daughter to the bookstore for a regular outting. Brigid loves the bookstore.

The house is all decorated (or as decorated as it's going to be) for the holidays. Brigid is nonplussed about the whole thing. Again, it's all about the wrapping.


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