Grade-A Students Do Their Parents Proud
Without sounding like a braggart, we had some amazing parent-teacher conferences this month, starting with Brigid (yes, they do parent-teacher conferences at preschool). Teachers lover her; kids adore her. They said all the kids clammor to play with her, and one kid in particular has already started the mean-girls, jealousy thing and tries to manipulate Brigid if she talks to or plays with other kids. The teachers intervene and tell Brigid to stand up for herself and tell this girl to back off and let her play with whomever she chooses. She's doing well developmentally and socially and loves the center.
Margaret's conferences and report card pick-up came next. We were able to get in to see all of her teachers except her social studies teacher, who was booked solid that night. All of her teachers said what a delight she is and had high praise for her. A 99-point-something overall GPA was high praise as well. She's doing exceptionally well and seems to genuinely enjoy her classes, especially her chorus and select vocal ensemble classes. We made sure to stop by and say hello to her chorus teacher and convey her feelings to him. He had some very nice things to say about her voice and was very impressed with her audition for select.
Patricia's conferences and report card pick-up was last in the series but was by no means the least. First, because she's on student council, she served as a student guide to help the hapless find their way around that confounding middle school. So while she was off helping people out of the corners, we found our way to her team teachers, who were mercifully all in the same room. It's almost embarassing to hear the praise each one expressed for our girls, but we're so proud. Like Margaret, all the teachers gushed about Patricia. Her grades, too, reflected this praise. The middle school doesn't give out numerical grades, so Patricia took home an A+ overall GPA. Can't get much higher than that. Her science teacher really sang her praises for the leaf project and said she knew when she picked it up it was going to be great. Patricia worked very hard on it, so it was good to hear.
We couldn't be more proud.
Heading to Buffalo for Thanksgiving after the girls get out of school today. Looking forward to seeing family, eating turkey and visiting friends. Life is good.