Sunday, September 10, 2006

Her Sleeping Doesn't Even Qualify for a TKO

Jack decided to take the older girls to the lake for the weekend, so Brigid and I hung out in Plattsburgh. We were given the task of driving Grandma and Granddad to Burlington on Saturday to see them off at the airport on their English Isles trip, so we decided to make a day of it in Burlington. Brigid had a fitful night, however, and for some reason wasn't herself Friday night and throughout Saturday in Burlington. Very cranky, very sleep-deprived. This kid fights sleep like a boxer fights to stay on his feet. We got up Saturday morning and hit a few garage sales before Grandma and Granddad came down to meet us from the lake, and by that time, she should have been sleeping but instead decided to scream all the way to Burlington. When she finally dropped off, Granddad had just pulled up to the curb to unload the luggage. That work her up. Stay down! Stay down, for God's sake, just stay down! If I had a towel, I would have thrown it into the car. We said our goodbyes, and Baby B and I drove away on what should have been an enjoyable few hours of girl shopping. But, like I said, she was inconsolable for the most part.

So was I, however, because I didn't find what I was looking for, as the U2 song goes. I ended up at Church Street and Macy's, finding Baby B. a beautiful pinwale cord dress in pink. The price was outrageous, but percent off sale and coupon brought it down from the stratosphere. She was adorable in it at church today. If I had a digital camera, I'd take her picture to post (I may still be able to do that in the future).

Last night, she was still a crankpuss but she fell asleep on the couch for a little while. Then we hit the sack and she slept (albeit next to me) until after 4 when she woke up for a snack. Then she slept again until after 6, again, snack time. We got up about 9:30. Jack and the girls came home in time for us to go to 11 a.m. Mass. Margaret had to serve and Patricia got to go to children's church, so it was just Mom, Dad and the baby in the pew. Baby B. always entertains the folks behind us because she's an unending source of smiles and babbling. I don't know how much the folks back there get out of mass, but it sure makes it fun.


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