Thursday, August 10, 2006

Brigid Baby Girl Tries to Take Off

At nearly five months you would think Brigid would be satisfied to lay around and observe her world, with perhaps a roll or two thrown in for good measure. But she has never been one to lay around. Even in utero Brigid was an active child. So, two weeks ago she decided it was time to get up on her hands and knees and rock in preparation for crawling. She's always been an oocher, which as anyone will tell you translates to moving all over the place as soon as your back is turned. But now she's combining ooching with rocking, rolling and general thrusting forward as she plans her moves. So it won't be long now, unfortunately. My Baby Girl is growing all too fast.

She's had somme fussy nights, too. Beware of prideful boasting when it comes to how well baby sleeps through the night because that will be moot as soon as the words are out of your mouth. Several weeks ago, Brigid began waking fitfully throughout the night and I haven't had a solid block of sleep since. While she began sleeping through at about seven weeks, she's been having a hard time for the last month. I don't know if it's a prolonged growth spurt or just a habit she's developed because of nursing, but she's not showing any signs of going back to the preferred sleep pattern. But you know, I often say who cares? Every day is one day I'll never see again as she grows a day older, and in a few years, I'll look back and say "Oh, I miss those days..." It's an opportunity for me to snuggle that downy head, to kiss her soft cheeks and hold her close.

Margaret and Patricia are getting used to being big sisters with each passing day. Brigid is becoming part of their fiber. They can't go long without getting a dose of their Baby B. Patricia is mindful of Margaret "hogging the baby." When either one of them is gone for more than a day or so, visiting Grandma and Granddad at the lake for instance, they return with a need to hold her and kiss her. Baby B. is no doubt one massively loved baby.


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