Victories Come in All Shapes and Sizes
Well, for those who have been holding their collective breaths waiting for word on No. 2, we've had blast-off. Brigid is now a full-fledged member of the potty set, proudly announcing anytime she goes, no matter what emerges. Not long after the pee pee victory, she had her second victory, so to speak, and has been a force to be reckoned with ever since. She's very good and the only accident she had was because she was at the playground and truly couldn't make it home in time. Not her fault. She's so proud of herself, it's one of the things she makes sure to discuss when people are talking to her.
Yesterday was her first day back at Sibley after having the entire summer off, and she is now a part of the preschool room. The first thing she did when we arrived yesterday morning was run into the toddler room to proudly tell Gina and Jodi that she's a big girl now, wearing her wonderwear. They all applauded, as well they should. Then she promptly ran into her new room, gave Cathy a big hug and hasn't looked back since. This is the girl who needed me to physically hand her off to Gina each and every morning in the toddler room; each and every morning in the wobbler room she was handed off to Jen or Sarah. Today, her second day, not even a look over her shoulder as we left. She's certainly grown this summer in so many ways. Her independence is astounding. She wants to do everything herself, and for the most part, she's mastering it all. It was like something just clicked in her the last few weeks, because she's no longer a baby; she's a big girl now.
Speaking of big girls, our Margaret Mary is an incoming freshman. She had freshman orientation this morning (we go to a parents' meeting tonight) for Plattsburgh High School. They went over all kinds of information, and they gave her her schedule. It's very full, but she has a study hall every day second period so she'll be in good stead. She's considering what clubs to join and what activities she wants to participate in (including Key Club and the Hiking Club, yay). I'm so proud of her, and I'm in stunned disbelieve that I could possibly be sending a child to high school. Where did the time go? She's so poised and grown up.
Patricia, meanwhile, has been having a grand time shopping for herself. As part of her birthday gift (she got a Cape Cod anklet and goggles this summer as her "big" gifts) I took her -- just her -- on an all-day garage-sale shopping spree on Saturday. We filled the car. She spent her own money and bought all kinds of great clothes. She's my shopper, and we had a great time. The other mom-and-me thing I'm going to do as a birthday gift is eek out a day where just she and I are home and I can teach her how to use her sewing machine. She's looking forward to that, too. (as am I).
Jack, meanwhile, started teaching his intro-to-newswriting class on Monday. He's unsure of it so far, but I have confidence he'll do great and enjoy it like he has the other classes he's taught. It's a lot of work, and it's exhausting, especially when you consider the remuneration for being an adjunct, but it's good experience and a good way to get a foot in the door.
The girls and I are planning on going to Buffalo over Labor Day for a visit and my 30th high school reunion. Can't wait to see some of my friends and family. But Jack, alas, he gets to dodge that bullet because he's working. Too bad. I remember how much fun my 10th reunion from Syracuse University was -- not.
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