Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Funerals, Playgrounds and Swimming Pools

Apparently, Maggie Schalk wants me to update the blog more often -- I make no promises, but I'll oblige today. We've had a few glorious days of weather lately and they've really pulled the green out of the trees. Makes everyone's mood a little lighter, I think. Brigid has been in a fabulous mood -- except when she's not. But the nice weather has really made her want to play in the playground behind the house. Poor Patricia gets the brunt of Brigid's enthusiasm and has spent countless hours chasing her around the playground, up the slide and down. She's a very good big sister to our Baby B.

Drop-offs at the child care center have been getting better and better, with Brigid very happy to be there in the morning. She's always enjoyed it, but every morning has been more of a cling-fest than a jubulant parting. The last few days, she's been very chatty and happy to go in the door. It could all be atributable to the weather. It means they'll be spending lots of time on the playground, and Brigid loves to be outside.

This morning, on the way in to school, she was chattering away in her car seat, saying "It is a very beautiful day today." I agreed with her. "A very beautiful day makes me very happy," she said. "I'm a very happy baby. Only, I'm not a baby anymore. I am a big girl!" She started saying it over and over, "I am a big girl!" I only wish that sentiment carried over to her absolute abhorrance to using the potty. She wants nothing to do with it. Has no inclination to consider it, and, in fact, is vehement in her resolve not to use it. At 3 years, a month and 17 days, she has surpassed Margaret's record of 3 years, a month and a week. Patricia was just about 3 years but had some mishaps afterward. Still, she was wearing big-girl underware at 3 years. Even the lure of big-girl panties with her favorite princesses on them won't sway her. She wants to wear them OVER the diaper.

On a sad note, the girls and I will be heading back to White River Junction, Vt., to see my college friend, Kathleen, but not for a fun visit. Her dad died last week and tomorrow is the funeral, so I'm pulling the girls from school to go. I never take them out for anything, and Mr. Stevens was very good to them whenever we'd visit. They even called him Grampy, which is what his grandchildren called him. It was almost three years ago to the day that Mrs. Stevens died and I brought the girls down for her funeral. Brigid was indeed Baby B at the time -- all of a month old. Mr. Stevens had suffered badly from asthma. He was on oxygen 24/7. He had respiratory distress and two days later he was gone. I'm glad we went to see them the day after Easter this year and got to spend some time with him. We'll stay at the Residence Inn again in Lebanon, so at least the girls will be able to use the pool. One bright side to a somber road trip.

So grab your family members and hold the close. Tell 'em you love them. Life is short and very, very fragile.


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