'Weather' We Like It Or Not, It's Trike Time
We’ve been having some mild weather, which is perfect for getting out and doing things, and Brigid loves going outside. The other day, Jack and I took her for a ride on the tricycle she got from Santa this year. It’s a Radio Flyer that comes with a handle you can help steer with.
It’s still quite wet out, so there’s not a lot of playing on the equipment yet. But a tricycle ride was the perfect after-dinner activity, especially since Margaret and Patricia were at their friends’ house for the night. The Sangers are a maple syrup family, and the sap is boiling. The girls were invited to help in the maple house. Next weekend is the famed Sanger’s Pancake Breakfast – or, as Judy Sanger says, pancakes in a tent. It’s the harbinger of spring. People wait for it like the do the sighting of the first robin. In fact, last year at this time, Uncle Chris was visiting, and we took him to the pancake breakfast for dinner. Can’t beat breakfast for dinner!
Brigid had her well-child visit last week and is doing well for her height and weight. The diaper question isn’t resolved – the kid has absolutely no interest, almost a revulsion at the thought of getting on the potty. She’s perfectly happy to be a diaper girl. She’d much rather be a naked girl, but even that plan backfires because when she is a naked girl and needs to go, she asks to be a diaper girl. You can’t even coax her on the potty. But her sisters were both 3 when they decided it was time. I’m concerned that a recent spate of constipation may be getting in the way. But I’m not worried that we’ll be sending her to school in diapers – I am looking forward to not having to buy them, however.
Margaret, Patricia and I spent last Saturday at a scrapbook crop in town. It was the third this group has held as a fund-raiser for their ministries. As far as we’re concerned, it’s not long enough, but we’ll take what we can get. It was a lot of fun for the three of us, and I’m hoping we can go to a shorter one this Saturday in town as well. Both Margaret and Patricia enjoy the activity, which is something we can do together. And we get work done on our pages. We’ll see if Daddy can weather one more Saturday with Baby B on his own.
Brigid decided the other day to just put her bike helmet on and go about her business. Here she's investigating photo negatives.
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