Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Daddy Endures a Close Shave

Jack pointed out to me that I posted the photos of him bringing up the rear of the trike and didn't mention the absence of facial hair. So, to make it official, I am posting before and after photos and will explain the timeline. It was Brigid's birthday and as she was opening her gifts, I handed Jack a gift of his own -- an early Father's Day present -- that he had mentioned dozens of times in the recent past: a new electric razor. He has mentioned wanting to shave for a while now, so since I was putting an Amazon order together, I added it then. That weekend, I walked in the house and a new man stood before me. Margaret and Patricia were thrown a bit. Brigid? She took it in stride. She hasn't said a word about it. Not one word.

So, without further adieu, submitted for your approval:




At 6:35 AM, Blogger God's Child said...

A new man indeed!


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