We're Waiting for Her Invitation to Hogwart's
Brigid continues to increase her appreciation for the finer things in life, including the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, the Harry Potter movies and the entire Blues Clues collection. She has not forsaken her love of Shrek, just opened her heart wider to include other favorites. When Margaret and Patricia were her age, they were content to watch Teletubbies or Lion King. Margaret would say, "king, king, king..." over and over again until you put in the Lion King video. Oh, how times have changed. She sits transfixed when Patricia and/or Margaret are watching one of the Harry Potter movies, just like her big sisters. I fear her first clear words may be "Expecto Patronus."
Yesterday, she did indicate she wanted more cookie by saying, "Some? Some?" She has also added "No" to her vocabulary, although doesn't necessarily say it to indicate the negative in response to a question. She just knows how to say it. If she doesn't want something or doesn't want to do something, she's quite capable of expressing that in other ways.
She also knows the letter "S" and says "essss" for it. We have a sign at the lake for the name of our camp, "Hilliker's" and the "S" has come off of it. She picked it up and said, "esss." We all applauded, of course, so now she knows that is an "S."
Brigid is also aware when she's being fabulous. Patricia was playing with her the other day with a strip of fabric and using it like a stole around her shoulders. Last night, Brigid was wearing it around her shoulders and walking around like Heidi Klume on the runway. We were all saying, "Oh, you look beautiful, Brigid you're so lovely," and she was holding her arms out, sashaying around, full of her own self. It was very funny. Wish I had the camera ready because it was very cute. I'll know better next time.
Today Margaret went to the Saratoga Race Track with Grandma and Granddad Downs for their annual visit. Margaret was really looking forward to seeing the horses in action. I hope after the first few races she's not bored stiff, but ever the trooper, she went armed with books to read if that turned out to be the case. She's already read more than 20 books this summer. That girl aways has her nose in a book. Can't complain about that.
Brigid at 8590 Sunset Dr. with her cousin, Shannon's, dog, Maggie.
This is a photo of my Mother's Day present, which came recently. It's a custom-made charm bracelet from WellsWare (www.wellsware.com) You send them photos or anything else you want sandwiched between glass and framed in sterling silver and they create these custom charms. The other side of the charms have baby photos of Jack, myself and my mother, Margaret (behind Margare's baby photo). You can add charms as well.

this is a special BIRTHDAY WISH
for Patricia...on this her "add a digit year"
It will probably be the only time in your life you add a digit to your age unless you live to be 100
Happy 10th birthday to a wonderful sweet granddaughter.
Love you Grandma W
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