Thursday, August 16, 2007

Blues Clues is Kid's Stuff

Well, I think Brigid's cold is a little better. She still doesn't seem 100 percent herself; her appetite is off and she's been super clingy and wanting more boob than usual. But her congestion is better. I haven't had to dose her with dimetap in a while.
You'd never know she wasn't feeling well tonight when we went to the mall. She was a wild woman, not just in the stroller, screaming and waving at people; but when I let her out to run around, she did just that. She ran, she waved, she screamed a high-pitch siren wail. It was exhausting just trying to keep up with her. She was tired tonight, and I put her down with just a modicum of complain from her. This was, of course, after much boob time.

Today, Brigid discovered "Blues Clues." We had some videos of Blues Clues that Margaret and Patricia watched when they were little. We lent them to Grandma Wright so she would have some kid videos around when she was watching our niece (her grandchild) Cassandra. Well, Cassandra is going to kindergarten this fall and doesn't need Blues Clues anymore, so we got them back. I popped one in today and Brigid found it entertaining, but not as entertaining as Patricia and Margaret, who I think re-entered their childhood. They were singing along and doing the hand motions of the show while Brigid was trying to climb away, not paying attention. I think Brigid's tastes are more sophisticated. She'd rather watch Shrek 100 times a day, I think. She still likes to hold the boxes.

More indication that Brigid has an understanding of her bodily functions. Yesterday I asked her if she needed her diaper changed (I knew the answer to this already. It was yes). She ran into her room, found a diaper and brought it out to me. She seemed relieved to have been asked.

We watched a big rainstorm today from the dining room window. It was pretty loud with thunder and there was lightening and a lot of wind. She kept saying, "Ooo, ooo." But I guess it's nothing compared to what our neighbors only a mile or so to the north got. Trees and power poles and lines down, houses with trees on the roofs, tractor trailers blown off the Northway. It was a freak storm. Glad we just got to see the "ooo" of it all.


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