Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Separation Anxiety Can Exist for Your Money, Too

(For some reason, Blogger won't let me put in a headline on this posting)

Even though she is only on the cusp of 16 months, I have to brag a little about our Baby Brigid and her incredible intelligence. Last night after dinner, I gave Brigid a little naked time, stripping her down so she could run around the living room and her bedroom. She enjoys naked time. Who wouldn't? But she didn't seem to be enjoying it as much, as if something was troubling her. She looked concerned, so I asked her, "Do you have to go poop? Do you want me to put your diaper back on?" She ran into her room, grabbed a diaper off the changing table and then grabbed onto the railing of the table as if she wanted to scale it. I got up and picked her up, put her on the table in the suppline position for diapering, which she often disagrees with, and slapped a Pampers on her. I then put her back down and she took off in just a diaper. Well, not two minutes later, Margaret said she thought Brigid had pooped. Brigid ran in her room again and I looked in at her. She looked up at me, and I asked, "Do you need me to change your diaper?" She went to the changing table again and grabbed onto the rail in a demonstration of her attempt at climbing up. I picked her up and sure enough, she had a full diaper. I changed her and got her in her pajamas.

Now, this may not sound like much, but the kid got it. She understood that she had to do something and would rather do it in a diaper instead of just standing in the corner and letting go. I think this is very significant. It shows awareness, which is the first real step toward potty training. Now, of course, we're a long ways off from potty training, but at 15 months Brigid understands something goes on down there, we call it "Poop," and it requires one of those comfy things Mommy or Daddy wrap around her bottom portion. And when those comfy things aren't so comfy, Mommy or Daddy take it off and put on another one that is more comfy. She's getting it.

We've seen a few developmental changes in Baby B lately. She isn't so kissy. She doesn't plant kisses on people on command like she used to, even a few weeks ago. She's very discerning with her kisses. And she seems to be having a little separation anxiety as evidenced by her crying when Jack wanted to leave her at the babysitting at the YMCA. She cried there before, but not when he was attempting to leave. She clutched his leg and cried. He was able to make an exit when she was seated for snacktime, but this is a new development. It makes perfect sense, age-wise. (Brigid's age, not Jack's). But she'll gradually come out of it and be fine, expecially when it becomes more of a routine.

Margaret and Patricia have stepped up to the plate this summer with babysitting their little sister. Of course, they've also stepped up to the bank teller's window with the dough they're earning. Margaret decided she didn't want to be carrying around more than $100 in cash on her and insisted on making a deposit into her savings account. Patricia, not so much a saver, just wanted the cash. But Margaret is the larger of the two earners so had more loot to haul around. I give her credit. (I also give her cash). She saves her money. Maybe I can learn a thing or two.


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