Monday, August 20, 2007

Naked Time Soothes the Savage Beast and Savaged Breast

Well, Margaret and Patricia fared well in their second horse show on Sunday in Malone. As was the case last month, their classes in equitation and pleasure for their age groups didn't compete until after noon, so we had a cranky, hungry sleep-deprived baby to contend with by the time their classes were called. But Dad was able to be there this time, which was a huge help not only to the girls, who had to do a rider change between Patricia's class and Margaret's class, but to me so I could take photos during the classes without worrying about Brigid all the time. Patricia placed in equitation; Margaret placed in both equitation and pleasure. They were larger classes this time (more riders) and a good group of them were from a stable where they train all year. It was a good if not exhausting experience and both girls walked away satisfied with their performance and looked forward to competing again next year.

Brigid got in on the act and had fun sitting on Curly Sue. She's funny around horses. She gets very excited to see them, but when they swing their big faces her way, she gets all panicky and rears back (Brigid, not the horse). But she doesn't mind patting them on the back, as long as she doesn't see or is near the head. I don't blame her. Horse heads are huge, HUGE. It's amazing something that big has no concept of its own power. A horse could squish you like a bug, but if you raise your arm in front of its face, it backs off in fear. Of course, it could also charge you, so don't raise your arm in front of its face.

The girls looked very cute in their riding habits. And it wasn't as hot Sunday as it was the last time they competed, so they weren't boiling in their jackets. We've been having some cold weather this week, which is depressing considering it's only the middle of August. Some leaves have turned up at the lake, and THAT's depressing. But it's supposed to warm up again mid-week. I hope this was just a fluke brought on by the storm we had the other day.

Brigid's cold is somewhat lingering. Her nose is a little crusty and she's having some running issues, lots of sneezing. But her breathing isn't as labored. She's sleeping OK at night, too, so we've not had to dose her with dimetap. But we think she's given us the sniffles. No wonder, she's always sneezing in our face or rubbing her face in ours. You can't help but let her do it. She's too cute to keep away from you.

She's started saying more recognizable words and phrases. I picked her up to give her the sniff test to see if she needed to be changed the other day and she said, "Stop it." Clear as day. I guess I'd say that to people who gave me the sniff test, too. She also says "Drink," although it takes a few times of getting her to repeat before it clicks with you. Banana, or b'nana, is pretty easily recognizable. It just takes some getting use to and some close listening, but she's getting her points across. She's also getting her temper across when you cross her. You have to be careful because she'll resort to biting if she gets frustrated with you. That, too, will change when she can communicate more effectively, but until then it's a battle. She bit me good and hard last night and I had to take boob away from her for a while. She protested, and covered her eyes and tried kissing me. I accepted her apology only after she let me know she understood "No bites." She kissed me again when I said that, so I assumed that was an apology. She had some naked time and that made all things right with the world. Who wouldn't calm down after a little naked time. Too bad our world leaders don't learn from 17-month-olds. Apologize after biting and take off your clothes. What could be simpler?


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