Sunday, September 17, 2006

At Least She's Consistent

Baby Brigid has decided that not only does she not need sleep, or at least at any regular interval, she should also let us know by objecting loudly each day at about 1 p.m. She has, for more than several days now, given us (or Jenny) a sound thrashing where she is nearly inconsolable. Sometimes the boob will give her (and the rest of us) some respite from her protestations but in general, it's an all-points bulletin from 1 to about 2:15 p.m. Even on days when she has my undivided attention, like yesterday when Jack had Margaret and Patricia at the lake for the weekend, she had her spell. It wasn't as loud or demanding, but like clockwork it began.

She also had a difficult time sleeping last night; difficult time getting to sleep and staying asleep. She woke numerous times, thrashed about, even babbled. Sometimes she snacked. But mostly she just thrashed about. It could be that Jack wasn't there as the other barrier in her otherwise cushioned fortress of our bed. It could be her cold, which she is tolerating very well.

She took a fall from her standing in the crib and smacked her forehead on the crib railing earlier in the day. This one illicited real cries of pain, not just "give me attention" cries, and later in the evening she still had a red mark on her noggin. However, it's a far cry from my panic-stricken call to the doctor's office when Margaret fell at that age. (Of course, Margaret fell off the dining room table. That's a different story).


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