Taking a Vacation is Exhausting
Well, we've packed a lot of livin' in the last couple of weeks. Our Cape Cod get-away was too short-lived but very enjoyable. Reminded us why we love going out there. First we had an overnight visit with my friend Kathleen and her family in White River Junction, Vt., and got up the next morning to carry on to Cape Cod, fully loaded with kayak, three bikes, gear, bags, three girls, Mom and Dad. I can't imagine what we would have done if we were staying at the Cape for our customary two weeks instead of just the five nights.
We had our inaugural dinner at the Lobster Shanty in Eastham and Brigid was a pain but truly enjoyed the lobster boat where she could touch the "monsters." We ended up getting her a large rubber "monster" at one of the souvenier shops on Route 6 in South Wellfleet and she carried it with her constantly.
Jack was able to go out kayaking a few mornings, and he and Patricia took a ranger-led tour of Great Island, which we've done in the past but wanted to do again. Brigid was not cooperating, and Margaret was getting a migraine, so the three of us drove around in the air conditioning of the car. The baby fell asleep, so we just sat at Mayo Beach and watched the bay until it was time to retrieve Jack and Patricia from the Great Island parking lot. We took the girls to the Mayo Beach playground where Brigid had a great time on the equipment.
An unexpected event was my spending an hour at a Midas Shop getting a new front tire. The day we were going to Provencetown Jack noticed a four-inch gash in the treads of the front driver's side tire, so I had to take the car in while they took a bike ride and played in the pool.
I guess the way I would sum up the Cape Cod experience this year is that in years past, when we'd be there for two weeks in our cottage in Wellfleet, we were living there. This year, we were visiting. So I hope we can go back to living there next summer.
We got an in-room movie for them and then Jack and I went downstairs for a date in the pub. A leisurely drive back home followed the next day. What was really nice is we had another week to look forward to up at the lake.
I got a lot of writing done on my book, and otherwise, we just kind of hung around. It was very difficult returning to work on Monday, prompting me to observe that work serves as an interruption of vacation. Brigid had no difficulty getting back into the swing of things at the child care center -- in fact, throughout our two weeks off she kept asking about Sally Bubbles and all the other teachers and friends, so it wasn't entirely out of sight, out of mind with her.
NOTE: The photo was taken in the morning, after the braces but before the fake tooth was added in the afternoon.
So that brings us up to date. How long until next July??
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