Monday, May 12, 2008

A Mother's Day Fit for a Grateful Mom

I had a wonderful Mother's Day thanks to the girls' and Jack's efforts to make it so wonderful. I awoke to breakfast in bed and presents from everyone -- a gift card to Christopher and Banks from Margaret, a gift card to Bath and Body (the smelly store) from Baby B, a frame made by Patricia with an inside joke attached, and a digital picture frame key chain from Jack, which I can't wait to use but probably have to do so from work since our computer at home is too ancient to too many of those new fangled things. We went to mass where the girls served and Brigid was pretty good except when she wasn't. Jack took her out for a walk, and later, when he returned and we got through the rest of mass, the woman in front of us turned around to tell us how good Brigid had been, to which I responded, "Sure, she wasn't here for half of it." "Oh," the lady said, and turned around again. It was Pentecost Sunday, and everyone was encouraged to wear red, so we were in a sea of red. Brigid had a very cute red dress on with her red Robeez and looked adorable, I must say. Like everything lately, it was another princess dress. Jack had to go to work after, so we went to do some grocery shopping for dinner. His folks were joining us from the lake to do a combination Margaret birthday celebration and Mother's Day gift exchange. Margaret's bike was a combo present, so Grandma and Granddad Downs gave her (yet another) "small" gift to open, a nice blouse and silver necklace for the teenager. Dinner turned out quite nice if I do say so myself -- roast beef with Yorkshire pudding (my father-in-law's favorite, which I learned how to make by my mother, so will give a shout-out to Mom, "Thanks, Mom, and Happy Mother's Day!!")

Brigid was a non-napping baby this weekend -- no surprise since she wasn't in her day care center routine -- so bedtime wasn't too bad. She was asleep easily.

All in all, it was a wonderfully blessed Mother's Day, serving to remind me just how grateful I am to be a mom to these three gloriously gifted, loving and generous girls, and to be wife to their wonderful father. To my friends and family out there who read this (all three of you LOL) I hope Mother's Day was as wonderful for you as well.


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