Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Sleep Deprivation Gives One an Appetite

Well, I don't know if she's going through a stage or growing pains or if it's a result of her being sick a week ago, but Baby Brigid's sleeping patterns have changed. Two nights ago, she went down about 8 p.m. but at 1 a.m. woke up screaming and wouldn't settle back down on her own in the crib. I brought her in for a little snuggle and some boob, but she flipped and flopped herself around the bed like she used to do, clearly tired, clearly wanting to go to sleep but propelling herself in an effort to stay away. It was an effort that spread to us as well because we certainly weren't going to get any sleep ourselves, so at about 2:30 Daddy did the dirty deed and put her back in her crib where she cried and screamed until about 5:30. I got her back up and brought her back to bed with us and she did fall asleep en boobe and stayed that way until after 9 a.m. We were exhaused. She took a long-for-Brigid nap yesterday afternoon after a full morning of play and Sesame Street, but didn't go down willingly. When she woke after 2 p.m., she was in a pretty good mood most of the day. At dinner, she gobbled up her garlic pasta, shoving it in by the fistfull with a "mmmmm" each time. The pasta, a great find at Sam's, has chicken and spinach in it, so although she didn't eat much of the chicken, she did get some of the spinach in.

A bath after dinner soothed her a bit, but she just didn't want to settle down. Her nose has been a bit runny, so I gave her some benadryl and boob and at 9:30 she was still up. I could tell she was tired, but she was being obstinant. I finally just put her in bed where she screamed bloody hell for a few minutes, but then I didn't hear a peep out of her. Although she stirred a few times during the night, she slept through until 6 a.m. Heaven. I brought her in with us and she slept until almost 9. When I left for work this morning, she and Daddy were dancing in the living room to Tom Chapin. Daddy is teaching her his classic moves: the circle dance lives ons.

Happy 12th Brithday today, Margaret Mary! Our little baby is 12! Hard to believe it's been 12 years. She has turned into such a confident and poised young lady. We're incredibly proud of her. She's hoping to have a few friends over next weekend to celebrate. Going to Stafford Middle School has been good for her in a number of ways, not the least of which is a larger circle of friends. She went to a sleepover two weeks ago and slept over at another friend's this past weekend as well. I'm so glad she's adjusted as well as she has. She loves her school and is enjoying herself. We hope the trend continues. Happy, happy birthday, sweetie!


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