Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Well, aside from a runny nose and some disturbed sleep patterns, our Baby B seems to be back on track. In fact, she had a tremendously hard poop yesterday to the point where I thought something was wrong with her. We were at dance class waiting for Patricia and Margaret out in the waiting room when she gave a cry out. I looked down at her and saw her standing, pained look on her face and her left foot was oddly turned. I thought something was wrong. I picked her up and realized she was working on a hard one. Sure enough, when I changed her she was right as rain. The loose stools have taken a sharp turn the other way. But she's been waking at odd hours after going down for the night and the only thing that's been consoling to her is boob. Of course, that's what she's gotten used to after being sick all last week. We have to get her back into the swing of things in the sleep department now.

And today was a red-letter day in our Baby Brigid's life. She had her first hair cut, or hair trim if you will. Kim, our long-time stylist, did the honors as she's done with all our children. Brigid was curious but not too uncooperative. We've give you some visuals for your viewing pleasure.

And Brigid continued her unusual night waking, crying and very upset about 10 p.m. She went back down about 11 p.m. and woke again about four hours later. I managed to let her cry in her crib for about 45 minutes but she wasn't settling down so she came in with us. Could be because she was sick; could be a stage. I just hope either one is reversible.


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