Monday, March 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Baby Brigid Girl

I can't believe a year has gone by. My baby is one. Where does the time go? A year ago at this time I was in labor and looking forward to meeting this little doll baby who turned into our joy and blessing. When I found out I was pregnant with her, I was stupified at the thought of doing this all over again, and now I can't imagine our life without her. A whole year. She is her own little person now, walking all over the place, letting us know what she wants (and what she doesn't want.) Here is a picture of what happens when she walks all over the place and then falls into the changing table. This is the shinner she's sported the last few days.

She is beginning to form sounds that sound like words and she understands so much more than you would think she could. She likes her books, she likes to be read to. She'll pick up one of her books and bring it over to you to have you read it. She says "cock-a-doodle-doo" in a sing-song voice because it's from one of her books. No one else would know that's what she's saying, but we do. She'll say "Peek-a-boo" the same way. She still says "Uh-oh" when she drops something. She'll raise her arms up when she's done. She does the sign for "drink" when she wants one or she'll look at her cup if you ask her "do you want a drink?" She'll give me her hand if I need to put her top on. She also likes me to blow on the palm of her hand. She's working on blowing kisses. And she still gives me pats on my back, which I love. She knows Dah Dah and says Dah Dah, and waves at him when he comes home or leaves for work. She'll come up to me and say, "mah mah" and pat my chest. "Mah mah," in that sing-song voice of hers. I'll ask, "Do you want boob?" and she'll say, "Mah mah" and pat my chest again. Michelle had us over for a pre-birthday dinner on Saturday and gave her a couple cute outfits (here's one of them)

and we had balloons. I asked her "where are your balloons?" and she looked for them until she spotted them. It sounded like she tried to say "balloon." She very well may have. We'll have a family birthday gathering on Saturday, St. Patrick's Day. March will become Birthday Month. Happy Birthday our Little Baby Brigid.


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