Friday, February 23, 2007

Food on the Floor...Does She Think This is the Old Ground Round?

This was Baby Brigid yesterday afternoon, all snots and tears. Although she's been feeling better generally in the last 24 hours, she's still quite congested and snotty. Poor baby. She had a good long two-hour nap yesterday afternoon with me and was still able to get to bed at a reasonable hour considering her nap ended about 6:15 p.m. She slept through the night again. I got her and brought her into bed about 6 a.m. and she slept close to three hours more with us, nursing occasionally. Now I'm coming down with the cold. My head is full and my throat hurts, so we've succeeded in passing it between us. She woke up in a good mood and seems to be feeling generally better. The antibiotic is strong and the baby Advil works well. We also give her baby dimetap at night and that seems to help her sleep through. It's hard when she isn't feeling well because she's just so out of sorts.

Brigid's latest love is walking through the house from living room to kitchen. The magnets on the bottom of the refrigerator attract her attention (hahaha) but usually end up on the floor in front of the refrigerator. I put them back; she takes them off. Last night, she held onto a little stuffed bear as she rambled back and forth. I'd say, "Where's your bear?" and she'd look for it on the floor, pick it up and carry it to the next place. Carrying things around seem to be what babies like to do. But they themselves don't particularly want to be carried around at this stage.

She did manage to sit through some of "Shark Tale" last night and talked to the screen while Margaret, Patricia and I watched and ate chocolate ice cream. I don't know if it's her first taste of chocolate ice cream, but she sure enjoyed some of mine. That's probably why I'm nursing my own cold now.

Eating has become an adventure. While she's still nursing and eating soft baby foods, she's also enjoying the tastes of other things. Last night I gave her pea-size balls of mashed potato to pick up with her fingers. She'd eat a bit and say, "mmmmm." I'd give her another, and "mmmmm." Then she'd get a spoonful of babyfood carrot with mango. "mmmm." And so on. Pirate Booty is a particular favorite snack. We've steered away from meats not for any particular reason other than the potted variety is gross and the regular variety seems too much for her now. We'll probably give her meat in a stew of some kind first because it's soft and mushy. But there's no hurry if she's content to eat her veggies and fruits. She gets enough protein in mommy moo juice and has taken a liking to yogurt. She also eats egg by the fistfull. Loves scrambled eggs. With the head cold, she's having a hard time eating and breathing, so she's probably not tasting much right now. Sometimes that's not necessarily a bad thing. We're having fish tonight (it's the first Friday in Lent, afterall, so maybe we'll slip her some fish and see how it goes. It will probably "go" on the floor.)


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