Wednesday, March 05, 2008

How Come Dorothy Doesn't Realize She Lacked Color When She Walked Out Into Munchkin Land?

I don't know if Brigid's screaming has gotten any better or if we're just getting used to it. She still screams. Oh, she still screams. It just seems a little more pointed as opposed to overall vocalization. She's also had an explosion of verbal communication skills in addition to the non-verbal ones she's perfected. One thing she's started saying that is so darned cute is "sure," as in, "Brigid, do you want a drink?" "Sure." "Do you want to watch a movie?" "Sure." It's adorable. As for her movie viewing, it's become a little more advanced. She still likes the Toy Story movies, which she calls "Doy Dory." Shrek has taken a back seat but we have no fear that he's been totally replaced in her heart. She has also really taken a shine to Elmo in Grouchland, which she calls "Elmo Blanket" because Elmo loses his blanket in Grouchland. One of the highlights (if a Sesame Street movie could have a highlight) is Mandy Patinkin as the villian. He gets to sing a great song and he hams it up as only he can.

One movie she has slowly been getting into is "Wizard of Oz," which she just calls "Oz." Reminds me of when Margaret was a toddler and called it "Boz." Brigid doesn't necessarily like the black and white beginning, although she did get very upset when Miss Gulch forces Dorothy to shove Toto into the basket. "Mean," Brigid said. "Meeeeeennnnn," she says with an emphasis on the EEE sound. But when Dorothy walks out into Munchkin Land and sees the colorful surrounding, Brigid said, "Ooooo, pretty." She doesn't get too much farther in the movie than the poppy field. But we have time. We have time.

We may, in fact, have it today. Had an icey morning and schools were canceled today with classes at the college being delayed by two hours. So of course this morning, the one where everyone can sleep in, Brigid decides 7 a.m. is when she wants to get up. I let Jack sleep in and got up with her. She wanted Elmo Blanket, so we watched Elmo. He's hard to take at any time of the day, but that giggle is pretty rough at 7 a.m. Jack still has class to teach at 10, but because Margaret and Patricia are home, he won't have to rush out to get Brigid to babysitting this morning.

Her drop-off at the YMCA babysitting hasn't been spectacular. She's cried and carried on, which we hope isn't setting us up for difficult drop-offs at Sibley when she starts at the center on the 24th. It will be good for her to be there for a while during the day. She'll be around other kids her own age (the YMCA program isn't just kids her own age. They're all ages). She'll have a set structure each day. And even though Jack gives her structure every day, it's very different when you have to do what you're told by other people. And even though we'll be paying for full-time care, she won't be there full time. She doesn't need to be, and we don't want her to be.

And for those who keep track, we're one week and counting before our Baby B turns two. Where did the time go?


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