Saturday, October 13, 2007

Sounds Like a Queen Song: Red-Bottomed Girls

We had another bad night, diaper-rash-wise. Brigid's bottom was pretty sore all day and she vacillated between being a happy child to being a crying, sore and uncomfortable child. Dad gave her a bath and she was in bed by the time I got home from my jazz class, but about 10:30 we heard her crying in her room. I didn't want to take a chance like I did the night before so I went in to see what the problem was. She was sitting up in bed and crying a high-pitched cry. When I picked her up, I smelled the evidence I was dreading: that acidic poop again. Off came her PJs and diaper and sure enough, what was already a sore, red bottom was even worse. I had Jack run a warm bath so I could soak Brigid's bottom, but when I got her in the water she screamed. I did my best to clean her with the water -- no soap on that little bottom -- and brought her back downstairs where we sat on the big chair, a naked, sobbing and red Baby B on a towel on my lap so the air could get to the affected area. She calmed down a bit, and wanted to get down. It was now close to 11 p.m. and she was very wobbly from sleep but she ran out into the living room. I let her have a little bit of naked time to help air her out. She peed on the carpet and started to scream from the burning. I picked her up and tried to blot her dry, but she was writhing in pain. We decided to bite the bullet and try to put her diaper back on with more cream. She started screaming and sobbing again. I managed with Jack's help to get her slathered up and diapered and back into PJs, but she did not want to go in her own bed. We brought her in with us and she proceeded to point out that "boob" -- she started saying "boob" two days ago -- was "mine" (her word). "Boob, mine." I had to object, since it is, in fact, mine. But I have no claim to it at this point. She nursed herself to sleep, but it was a fitful sleep -- for all of us. I imagine every time she peed it was painful. Maybe not enough to wake up, but after getting the diaper even a little wet I'm sure it was terribly irritating. I had to cover homecoming today, so Dad is left with the sore-bottomed girl again today. I picked up some A&D Ointment before heading off for work, hoping that will help not only heal but soothe the area for her. The regular Desitin-type cream we use isn't cutting it, but I think the rash is so bad that it's beyond the usual redness that clears up pretty quickly.

I have to give a shout-out to my friend, Paula, for suggesting a homemade solution of one-third each bacitracin, nistatin and hydrocortisone. I may have the ingredients at home to try on her.

It's a crisp, sunny fall day today, and while I'm at work, Dad may take the girls out to do something outdoors and take advantage of the diversion so our red-bottomed girl can have some fun. You day can't be right when your diaper's on tight.


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